Category Archives: Fiction

Plotter or Pantster? Two Roads to a Final Product — Guest Post

It is my great privilege to host Skylar Hamilton Burris today. I featured her last week in my post: Life’s Shiny Facets and Dark Pain. Along with the books mentioned in her post, Ms. Burris is also the author of Conviction.

When it comes to the writing process, there are two primary types of writers: the plotter and the pantster. The plotter meticulously plans her novel from the beginning, outlining the skeleton of the story and then weaving the flesh around it as she writes. The pantster, as the odd name implies, tends to fly by the seat of her pants. She simply begins writing without an outline and sees where the story will take her.

I’m a pantster, and I have been ever since I began to write. Continue reading Plotter or Pantster? Two Roads to a Final Product — Guest Post

On Modesty

Fiction inspired by the comment section of
When Suits Become a Stumbling Block: A Plea to My Brothers in Christ 

They told me not to wear yoga pants,
–so I stopped wearing yoga pants.

They told me not to wear shorts,
–so I stopped wearing shorts.

They told me not to display myself in public,
–so I stopped running.

They told me not to show skin,
–so I stopped swimming.

They told me to not cause lust by what I wore
–so I dressed like a prepubescent girl.

And then I was raped by a pedophile.

Writing Process Blog Tour: Life’s Shiny Facets and Dark Pain

Thanks to B. A. Wilson for inviting me to be part of the Writing Process Blog Tour.

What am I working on? Last November, using NaNoWriMo as a much needed kick in the pants, I began writing Hartfield, a sequel to Jane Austen’s Emma. I did achieve my 50,000+ word count goal in November and then promptly shelved it in the face of other life events.

Hartfield focuses on Mr. John Knightley, younger brother of the male lead in Emma — he’s a minor character with a few key interactions. When introduced to John Knightley in Emma, we are told that “The extreme sweetness of [his wife’s] temper must hurt his.” In other words, Isabella — his wife — is blind to John’s occasional crotchedyness and does not call him to account.

And I wondered, What if Isabella were to die and John were to remarry someone not so sweet? Continue reading Writing Process Blog Tour: Life’s Shiny Facets and Dark Pain

Looking askance at the smug

Amanda stood toward the back of the small room singing while mentally criticizing the woman standing front and center. Amanda noted the outstretched arms, the robust singing—nothing wrong there, but something undefinable about her stance screamed self-satisfaction. Her body posture looked less like worship and more like wonderful am I. Less like adoration and more like aren’t I amazing?

Continue reading Looking askance at the smug

Jane Austen Quote–Miss Bingley

 “How very ill Eliza Bennet looks this morning, Mr. Darcy,” [Miss Bingley] cried; “I never in my life saw any one so much altered as she is since the winter. She is grown so brown and coarse! Louisa and I were agreeing that we should not have known her again.”

However little Mr. Darcy might have liked such an address, he contented himself with coolly replying Continue reading Jane Austen Quote–Miss Bingley

Jane Austen on novels

When Jane AuNorthangerAbbey-182x300sten wrote Northanger Abbey–her first full-length book–novels were, well, novel. Jane Austen was at the forefront of writing in a brand new literary medium. The following is her take on novels and novel writing:

“…and if a rainy morning deprived them of other enjoyments, they were still resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up, to read novels together. Yes, novels; for I will not adopt that ungenerous and impolitic custom so common with novel–writers, Continue reading Jane Austen on novels