Tag Archives: Writer

Scrooge: Individualism Run Amok

Pursue individual rights, or care for our community? Which is best for individuals?

I contemplate a few answers in my article for Christ and Pop Culture (CAPC) Magazine, Scrooge: Individualism Run AmokIt is now available free of charge.  Continue reading Scrooge: Individualism Run Amok

Bike To Work & School Day — 100% Participation

It’s being kinda wet.

Today is Bike to Work Day and Bike to School Day in Idaho’s Wood River Valley.

And it’s raining. *whimper*

Hmm, since my writing office is at home, I’m already at work! But… but… that would be wussy. Terrible example for the kids.

“You’re coming, aren’t you, Mom?” asked my daughter.

“Yes! Yes, I am,” I replied.

So, my business had 100% participation! And so did our family.

I am back home now. Pockets unloaded of swag, my wet bicycling things are hanging to dry. And I’m back in my fuzzy robe, warming up. All in a day’s work, play, and parenting.

Jane Austen on novels

When Jane AuNorthangerAbbey-182x300sten wrote Northanger Abbey–her first full-length book–novels were, well, novel. Jane Austen was at the forefront of writing in a brand new literary medium. The following is her take on novels and novel writing:

“…and if a rainy morning deprived them of other enjoyments, they were still resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up, to read novels together. Yes, novels; for I will not adopt that ungenerous and impolitic custom so common with novel–writers, Continue reading Jane Austen on novels