I have ADHD. I was born this way. Apparently, I was also born with a predisposition for suffering depression and was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder 7 1/2 years ago.
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder is a crappy name. Who wants to be called Disordered? Even if we are all disordered in some way! Here’s a better name: VAS—Variable Attention Syndrome. I propose this name change because I can focus, and hyperfocus, on that which interests me, but have great difficulty sustaining attention on that which I find tedious. I don’t have attention deficit; I have attention variability, thank you very much. As my dad, God rest his soul, used to say, “Ellen, when you want to do something, there’s no stopping you. When you don’t want to do something, there’s no starting you.” Now my poor husband knows that truth. *ahem*
However, there are basic tasks of living which must be accomplished. When they aren’t accomplished, the disorder that results will road-block one from working on that which truly interests. So, much as I would like to say — “Well, this is how I am, I’m going to make friends with my slovenly ways” — that road merely leads to more and more clutter. Ignoring basic organization until my counter looks like this:

…really doesn’t work for me.
Also, allowing the depression free rein will lead to me sitting in the corner reading light, escapist fiction while ignoring my husband and children. I’ll also be stinky, smelly, and even more pudgy than I am due to not taking care of myself.
So, no, I don’t want to simply accept the disorders that lead to disorder in my life. I fight against them.
I eat well.
I take medicine.
I study Scripture.
I’m exercising more.
I write a Weekly Task Checklist.
I pray.
I’m striving to develop more productive habits and routines. And it’s working. I have seen improvement in a few areas and plan to progress that improvement into other areas of my life.
I have ADHD. I have depression. I was born this way. But I don’t have to stay this way.
I like the new name proposal! Thank you for sharing these brave words. We are hearted humans not not labels. 😉
Thanks for reading and commenting, Marvia! I love getting feedback on my writing, thank you so much for your thoughts!
To me this shows the true meaning of acceptance, Ellen. Yes, you accept the way you are; you face it and acknowledge it. But you don’t just throw up your hands and give in to it. I was reading How People Grow by Henry Cloud & he talks about recognizing what’s God’s part and what’s our part; that ‘s helped me in a lot of ways e.g. parenting, relationships, etc. Thanks for sharing this bit of your journey.
“But you don’t just throw up your hands and give in to it.”
I have found that going the way of “Oh, well…” does not lead to any kind of satisfaction. Setting reasonable goals for myself and striving to meet them, while acknowledging God’s sovereignty over everything, is a far more satisfying existence. Thanks for your comments today!
Great post, Ellen. 🙂 I have my own struggles with depression from time to time, and I know it can make life difficult to manage. Still, practicing good self-care, developing healthy thinking/eating/living habits, and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up makes such a difference. It sounds like you are well on your way to shedding those damaging labels and redefining yourself on your terms. 🙂
I’m certainly working on it, Steph! Thanks for your kudos.
I don’t think I have ADHD but I definitely have “I won’t do this if I don’t want to” disorder. Though I just call that being Irish and stubborn.
Ah, that’s it! It’s my Irish blood. 😉
Go Ellen!!!
Wow! Thanks for coming and commenting on my post! I’m just barely getting my feet wet on your ADHD blog. Thank you *so much* for all your work, research, and writing!!! And I’m loving your book!