Category Archives: Living in Idaho

I stand with Ahmed’s Parents, too #IStandWithAhmed

When my daughter was in fourth grade, we went out target shooting. She found a bunch of shotgun shells on the ground and stuffed many in the pockets of her jacket. They were still there when she went to school on Monday… Tuesday… Wednesday…

Spent shotgun shells at a shooting range in North Texas. Photo: David Tribble
Spent shotgun shells at a shooting range in North Texas. Photo: David Tribble

Silly me, I didn’t think anything about it. Turns out they were dribbling out of her pockets in the hallway. When a teacher figured out where they were coming from, my daughter got a stern talking to about it being “not cool” and I received a concerned email. I responded via email profusely apologizing for my obtuseness.

And that was it.

Photo source.

Facing Risk

Avalanche Danger Decision Point enroute to Mary's Nipple at Grand Targhee Ski Resort
Avalanche Danger Decision Point en route to Mary’s Nipple at Grand Targhee Ski Resort

Five years ago, I had an epiphany and a book idea was born. The impetus appeared in the August 13th, 2010 edition of my local paper, the Idaho Mountain Express.

New York skier’s heirs sue rescuers for $5M


“DRIGGS, Idaho — The family of a New York man who skied outside the boundaries of a western Wyoming ski area and was rescued the following morning but later died of hypothermia has filed a wrongful death claim.

Continue reading Facing Risk

Living life fully: mountaintops and ravines

When life is lived to its fullest, both stunning success and tragic grief will be known.

Three miles south of my home, Bellevue, Idaho celebrated with the world as one of their own, Kaitlyn Farrington, won Olympic gold. They and the entire Wood River Valley are now mourning the death of two others, both of which resulted from two different snow mobile accidents. Continue reading Living life fully: mountaintops and ravines

Failure to recognize new leadership era

Today I finished a difficult to write post over at

The many changes in governing positions have ushered in a new leadership era for Blaine County School District. Former Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Steve Guthrie, was voted out May 2013. Vice-Chair, Don Nurge, resigned soon thereafter. Former Superintendent, Lonnie Barber, signed a Separation Agreement in September 2013—the Trustees sited “differences in leadership style.” Guthrie’s successor as Chairman, Paul Bates, resigned last week because minors had been drinking alcohol in his home on New Year’s Eve.

Our current Board of Trustees demonstrated decisive action when responding to the recent social hosting event at former Chairman Paul Bates’ home.

Read the rest of the post

Grumbling en route to Praying

Having donned warm clothes and buckled myself into our Jeep this morning, I grumbled in my heart while driving to a Moms in Prayer meeting. Last week I finally got myself out the door to attend for the first time, so I’m still getting used to including this commitment in my weekly schedule. My regular morning routine on weekdays is to guide the children in getting ready for school, making sure they get there in time, then coming home for aaaahhhhh…. time off.

Continue reading Grumbling en route to Praying